Prices are shown beneath works (multiple images / unique materials). Regular photographic print prices are shown at the bottom of each series page. An overview of those prices follows below.
All prices are for unmounted pigment prints on archival photo rag paper.
Packaging and delivery is additional to the print cost.
Mounting & Framing
Archival mounting and framing with UV70 glass can be arranged, or a mounting and framing specification can be provided for you to arrange your own framing.
Costs are available POA .
Prints are available in three sizes – small, medium and large – with dimensions varying slightly between the different film and digital formats in which the works were originated. Dimensions shown are for the image size. Some works are restricted to medium and large sizes only, while older works originated on 35mm film are only available in small and medium sizes.
Prices for unique and multiple image works are shown in the image captions.
(Digital: 1,000 x 1,500 mm / 4 x 5 film 1000 x 1200 mm)
$8,500 incl GST
(Digital: 700 x 1,060 mm / 4 x 5 film 800 x 1,000 mm)
$6,000 incl GST
(Digital: 400 x 600 mm / 4 x 5 film 420 x 525 mm)
$4,600 incl GST
Neil is represented the following galleries:
Te Whanganui-a-Tara / Wellington: Suite
Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland: Suite
Ōtautahi / Christchurch: Jonathan Smart Gallery & The Central
Haehaenui / Arrowtown: Nadine Milne Gallery
Waitohi / Picton: The Diversion Gallery

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